Phylogenetic Tree
In [1]:
# %pip install pycirclize
# %pip install pycirclize
1. Simple Tree¶
User can plot the phylogenetic tree with Circos.initialize_from_tree()
or track.tree()
Both methods return a TreeViz instance, which can be manipulated to set phylogenetic tree
annotations such as marker and highlight.
1-1. Default Style¶
In [2]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file)
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file)
fig = circos.plotfig()
1-2. Change Style 1¶
In [3]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
start=20, # Default: 0
end=340, # Default: 360
r_lim=(10, 100), # Default: (50, 100)
line_kws=dict(color="red", lw=2), # Default: {}, Change color & linewidth
align_line_kws=dict(ls="dashdot", lw=1), # Default: {}, Change linestyle & linewidth
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
start=20, # Default: 0
end=340, # Default: 360
r_lim=(10, 100), # Default: (50, 100)
line_kws=dict(color="red", lw=2), # Default: {}, Change color & linewidth
align_line_kws=dict(ls="dashdot", lw=1), # Default: {}, Change linestyle & linewidth
fig = circos.plotfig()
1-3. Change Style 2¶
In [4]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create 2x2 polar subplots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05)
ax_list = fig.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True)).flatten()
# Define 4 types kwargs for `Circos.initialize_from_tree()` method
kwargs_list = [
dict(outer=True, align_leaf_label=True, ignore_branch_length=False),
dict(outer=True, align_leaf_label=False, ignore_branch_length=False),
dict(outer=False, align_leaf_label=True, ignore_branch_length=False),
dict(outer=True, align_leaf_label=True, ignore_branch_length=True),
# Plot trees with different kwargs
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
for ax, kwargs in zip(ax_list, kwargs_list):
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, r_lim=(60, 100), **kwargs)
kwargs_text = "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()])
circos.text(kwargs_text, size=14)
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create 2x2 polar subplots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05)
ax_list = fig.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True)).flatten()
# Define 4 types kwargs for `Circos.initialize_from_tree()` method
kwargs_list = [
dict(outer=True, align_leaf_label=True, ignore_branch_length=False),
dict(outer=True, align_leaf_label=False, ignore_branch_length=False),
dict(outer=False, align_leaf_label=True, ignore_branch_length=False),
dict(outer=True, align_leaf_label=True, ignore_branch_length=True),
# Plot trees with different kwargs
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
for ax, kwargs in zip(ax_list, kwargs_list):
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, r_lim=(60, 100), **kwargs)
kwargs_text = "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()])
circos.text(kwargs_text, size=14)
1-4. Change Style 3¶
In [5]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create 2x2 polar subplots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05)
ax_list = fig.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True)).flatten()
# Define 4 types kwargs for `Circos.initialize_from_tree()` method
kwargs_list = [
dict(reverse=False, ladderize=False),
dict(reverse=True, ladderize=False),
dict(reverse=False, ladderize=True),
dict(reverse=True, ladderize=True),
# Plot trees with different kwargs
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
for ax, kwargs in zip(ax_list, kwargs_list):
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, line_kws=dict(lw=1), **kwargs)
kwargs_text = "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()])
circos.text(kwargs_text, size=14)
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create 2x2 polar subplots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05)
ax_list = fig.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True)).flatten()
# Define 4 types kwargs for `Circos.initialize_from_tree()` method
kwargs_list = [
dict(reverse=False, ladderize=False),
dict(reverse=True, ladderize=False),
dict(reverse=False, ladderize=True),
dict(reverse=True, ladderize=True),
# Plot trees with different kwargs
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
for ax, kwargs in zip(ax_list, kwargs_list):
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, line_kws=dict(lw=1), **kwargs)
kwargs_text = "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()])
circos.text(kwargs_text, size=14)
1-5. Set Label Properties¶
In [6]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file)
# Change label color
tv.set_node_label_props("A", color="red")
# Change label color & size
tv.set_node_label_props("D", color="blue", size=25)
# Hide label
tv.set_node_label_props("G", size=0)
# Change label colors
for name in list("MNOPQRSTUVWXY"):
tv.set_node_label_props(name, color=ColorCycler())
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file)
# Change label color
tv.set_node_label_props("A", color="red")
# Change label color & size
tv.set_node_label_props("D", color="blue", size=25)
# Hide label
tv.set_node_label_props("G", size=0)
# Change label colors
for name in list("MNOPQRSTUVWXY"):
tv.set_node_label_props(name, color=ColorCycler())
fig = circos.plotfig()
1-6. Set Line Properties¶
In [7]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, line_kws=dict(lw=1.0))
# Change line color on [A,B,C,D,E,F] MRCA(Most Recent Common Ancestor) node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"], color="red")
# Change line color & width on [G,I] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["G", "I"], color="blue", lw=2.0)
# Change line color & label color on [M,W] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["M", "W"], color="green", apply_label_color=True)
# Change line color & label color on [R,T] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["R", "T"], color="purple", apply_label_color=True)
# Change line color & style [X,Y] MRCA node
tv.set_node_line_props(["X", "Y"], color="orange", descendent=False, ls="dotted")
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, line_kws=dict(lw=1.0))
# Change line color on [A,B,C,D,E,F] MRCA(Most Recent Common Ancestor) node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"], color="red")
# Change line color & width on [G,I] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["G", "I"], color="blue", lw=2.0)
# Change line color & label color on [M,W] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["M", "W"], color="green", apply_label_color=True)
# Change line color & label color on [R,T] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.set_node_line_props(["R", "T"], color="purple", apply_label_color=True)
# Change line color & style [X,Y] MRCA node
tv.set_node_line_props(["X", "Y"], color="orange", descendent=False, ls="dotted")
fig = circos.plotfig()
1-7. Plot Marker¶
In [8]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file)
# Plot markers on [A,B,C,D,E,F] MRCA(Most Recent Common Ancestor) node and its descendent nodes
tv.marker(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"], color="salmon")
# Plot square marker on [G,K] MRCA node
tv.marker(["G", "K"], color="orange", marker="s", size=8, descendent=False)
# Plot star markers on [X,Y] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.marker(["X", "Y"], color="lime", marker="*", size=10, ec="black", lw=0.5)
# Plot colored markers on M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W leaf nodes
for leaf_name in list("MNOPQRSTUVW"):
tv.marker(leaf_name, color=ColorCycler(), ec="black", lw=0.5)
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file)
# Plot markers on [A,B,C,D,E,F] MRCA(Most Recent Common Ancestor) node and its descendent nodes
tv.marker(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"], color="salmon")
# Plot square marker on [G,K] MRCA node
tv.marker(["G", "K"], color="orange", marker="s", size=8, descendent=False)
# Plot star markers on [X,Y] MRCA node and its descendent nodes
tv.marker(["X", "Y"], color="lime", marker="*", size=10, ec="black", lw=0.5)
# Plot colored markers on M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W leaf nodes
for leaf_name in list("MNOPQRSTUVW"):
tv.marker(leaf_name, color=ColorCycler(), ec="black", lw=0.5)
fig = circos.plotfig()
1-8. Plot Highlight¶
In [9]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, line_kws=dict(lw=1))
# Plot highlight on [A,B,C,D,E,F] MRCA(Most Recent Common Ancestor) node
tv.highlight(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"], color="salmon")
# Plot highlight on [G,K] MRCA node
tv.highlight(["G", "K"], color="orange")
# Plot highlight on L node with '//' hatch pattern
tv.highlight("L", color="lime", hatch="//", ec="white")
# Plot highlight on [N,W] MRCA node with edge line
tv.highlight(["N", "W"], color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5, ec="red", lw=0.5)
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, line_kws=dict(lw=1))
# Plot highlight on [A,B,C,D,E,F] MRCA(Most Recent Common Ancestor) node
tv.highlight(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"], color="salmon")
# Plot highlight on [G,K] MRCA node
tv.highlight(["G", "K"], color="orange")
# Plot highlight on L node with '//' hatch pattern
tv.highlight("L", color="lime", hatch="//", ec="white")
# Plot highlight on [N,W] MRCA node with edge line
tv.highlight(["N", "W"], color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5, ec="red", lw=0.5)
fig = circos.plotfig()
1-9. With Heatmap¶
In [10]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(30, 80),
# Set large margin to insert heatmap track between tree and labels
# Plot heatmap
sector = tv.track.parent_sector
track = sector.add_track((80, 100))
vmin, vmax, cmap = 0, 100, "bwr"
data = np.random.randint(vmin, vmax + 1, (3, tv.leaf_num))
track.heatmap(data, cmap=cmap, show_value=True)
circos.colorbar((0.4, 0.495, 0.2, 0.01), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, orientation="horizontal")
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(30, 80),
# Set large margin to insert heatmap track between tree and labels
# Plot heatmap
sector = tv.track.parent_sector
track = sector.add_track((80, 100))
vmin, vmax, cmap = 0, 100, "bwr"
data = np.random.randint(vmin, vmax + 1, (3, tv.leaf_num))
track.heatmap(data, cmap=cmap, show_value=True)
circos.colorbar((0.4, 0.495, 0.2, 0.01), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, orientation="horizontal")
fig = circos.plotfig()
1-10. With Heatmap + Bar¶
In [11]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(30, 70),
# Set large margin to insert heatmap & bar track between tree and labels
# Create example dataframe for heatmap & bar plot
df = pd.DataFrame(
s1=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
s2=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
s3=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
count=np.random.randint(1, 10, tv.leaf_num),
# Plot bar (from `count` column data)
sector = tv.track.parent_sector
bar_track = sector.add_track((85, 100), r_pad_ratio=0.1)
x = np.arange(0, tv.leaf_num) + 0.5
y = df["count"].to_numpy(), y, width=0.3, color="orange")
# Plot heatmaps (from `s1, s2, s3` column data)
track1 = sector.add_track((80, 85))
track1.heatmap(df["s1"].to_numpy(), cmap="Reds", show_value=True, rect_kws=dict(ec="grey", lw=0.5))
track2 = sector.add_track((75, 80))
track2.heatmap(df["s2"].to_numpy(), cmap="Blues", show_value=True, rect_kws=dict(ec="grey", lw=0.5))
track3 = sector.add_track((70, 75))
track3.heatmap(df["s3"].to_numpy(), cmap="Greens", show_value=True, rect_kws=dict(ec="grey", lw=0.5))
# Plot track labels
circos.text("count", r=bar_track.r_center, color="orange")
circos.text("s1", r=track1.r_center, color="red")
circos.text("s2", r=track2.r_center, color="blue")
circos.text("s3", r=track3.r_center, color="green")
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("alphabet.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(30, 70),
# Set large margin to insert heatmap & bar track between tree and labels
# Create example dataframe for heatmap & bar plot
df = pd.DataFrame(
s1=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
s2=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
s3=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
count=np.random.randint(1, 10, tv.leaf_num),
# Plot bar (from `count` column data)
sector = tv.track.parent_sector
bar_track = sector.add_track((85, 100), r_pad_ratio=0.1)
x = np.arange(0, tv.leaf_num) + 0.5
y = df["count"].to_numpy(), y, width=0.3, color="orange")
# Plot heatmaps (from `s1, s2, s3` column data)
track1 = sector.add_track((80, 85))
track1.heatmap(df["s1"].to_numpy(), cmap="Reds", show_value=True, rect_kws=dict(ec="grey", lw=0.5))
track2 = sector.add_track((75, 80))
track2.heatmap(df["s2"].to_numpy(), cmap="Blues", show_value=True, rect_kws=dict(ec="grey", lw=0.5))
track3 = sector.add_track((70, 75))
track3.heatmap(df["s3"].to_numpy(), cmap="Greens", show_value=True, rect_kws=dict(ec="grey", lw=0.5))
# Plot track labels
circos.text("count", r=bar_track.r_center, color="orange")
circos.text("s1", r=track1.r_center, color="red")
circos.text("s2", r=track2.r_center, color="blue")
circos.text("s3", r=track3.r_center, color="green")
fig = circos.plotfig()
s1 s2 s3 count A 44 20 28 6 B 47 80 34 5 C 64 69 0 5 D 67 79 0 7 E 67 47 36 5
2-1. Default Style¶
In [12]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, leaf_label_size=5)
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(tree_file, leaf_label_size=5)
fig = circos.plotfig()
2-2. Coloring Style¶
In [13]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(30, 100),
label_formatter=lambda t: t.replace("_", " "),
# Define group-species dict for tree annotation
# In this example, set minimum species list to specify group's MRCA node
group_name2species_list = dict(
Monotremata=["Tachyglossus_aculeatus", "Ornithorhynchus_anatinus"],
Marsupialia=["Monodelphis_domestica", "Vombatus_ursinus"],
Xenarthra=["Choloepus_didactylus", "Dasypus_novemcinctus"],
Afrotheria=["Trichechus_manatus", "Chrysochloris_asiatica"],
Euarchontes=["Galeopterus_variegatus", "Theropithecus_gelada"],
Glires=["Oryctolagus_cuniculus", "Microtus_oregoni"],
Laurasiatheria=["Talpa_occidentalis", "Mirounga_leonina"],
# Set tree line color & label color
group_name2color = {name: ColorCycler() for name in group_name2species_list.keys()}
for group_name, species_list in group_name2species_list.items():
color = group_name2color[group_name]
tv.set_node_line_props(species_list, color=color, apply_label_color=True)
# Plot figure & set legend on center
fig = circos.plotfig()
_ =
handles=[Line2D([], [], label=n, color=c) for n, c in group_name2color.items()],
bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.5),
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(30, 100),
label_formatter=lambda t: t.replace("_", " "),
# Define group-species dict for tree annotation
# In this example, set minimum species list to specify group's MRCA node
group_name2species_list = dict(
Monotremata=["Tachyglossus_aculeatus", "Ornithorhynchus_anatinus"],
Marsupialia=["Monodelphis_domestica", "Vombatus_ursinus"],
Xenarthra=["Choloepus_didactylus", "Dasypus_novemcinctus"],
Afrotheria=["Trichechus_manatus", "Chrysochloris_asiatica"],
Euarchontes=["Galeopterus_variegatus", "Theropithecus_gelada"],
Glires=["Oryctolagus_cuniculus", "Microtus_oregoni"],
Laurasiatheria=["Talpa_occidentalis", "Mirounga_leonina"],
# Set tree line color & label color
group_name2color = {name: ColorCycler() for name in group_name2species_list.keys()}
for group_name, species_list in group_name2species_list.items():
color = group_name2color[group_name]
tv.set_node_line_props(species_list, color=color, apply_label_color=True)
# Plot figure & set legend on center
fig = circos.plotfig()
_ =
handles=[Line2D([], [], label=n, color=c) for n, c in group_name2color.items()],
bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.5),
2-3. With Heatmap¶
In [14]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(10, 80),
line_kws=dict(color="lightgrey", lw=1),
# Define group-species dict for tree annotation
# In this example, set minimum species list to specify group's MRCA node
group_name2species_list = dict(
Monotremata=["Tachyglossus_aculeatus", "Ornithorhynchus_anatinus"],
Marsupialia=["Monodelphis_domestica", "Vombatus_ursinus"],
Xenarthra=["Choloepus_didactylus", "Dasypus_novemcinctus"],
Afrotheria=["Trichechus_manatus", "Chrysochloris_asiatica"],
Euarchontes=["Galeopterus_variegatus", "Theropithecus_gelada"],
Glires=["Oryctolagus_cuniculus", "Microtus_oregoni"],
Laurasiatheria=["Talpa_occidentalis", "Mirounga_leonina"],
# Set tree line color
for species_list in group_name2species_list.values():
tv.set_node_line_props(species_list, color=ColorCycler())
# Plot heatmap
sector = circos.sectors[0]
heatmap_track = sector.add_track((80, 100))
matrix_data = np.random.randint(0, 100, (5, tv.leaf_num))
heatmap_track.heatmap(matrix_data, cmap="viridis")
heatmap_track.yticks([0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5], list("EDCBA"), vmax=5, tick_length=0)
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file, ColorCycler
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(10, 80),
line_kws=dict(color="lightgrey", lw=1),
# Define group-species dict for tree annotation
# In this example, set minimum species list to specify group's MRCA node
group_name2species_list = dict(
Monotremata=["Tachyglossus_aculeatus", "Ornithorhynchus_anatinus"],
Marsupialia=["Monodelphis_domestica", "Vombatus_ursinus"],
Xenarthra=["Choloepus_didactylus", "Dasypus_novemcinctus"],
Afrotheria=["Trichechus_manatus", "Chrysochloris_asiatica"],
Euarchontes=["Galeopterus_variegatus", "Theropithecus_gelada"],
Glires=["Oryctolagus_cuniculus", "Microtus_oregoni"],
Laurasiatheria=["Talpa_occidentalis", "Mirounga_leonina"],
# Set tree line color
for species_list in group_name2species_list.values():
tv.set_node_line_props(species_list, color=ColorCycler())
# Plot heatmap
sector = circos.sectors[0]
heatmap_track = sector.add_track((80, 100))
matrix_data = np.random.randint(0, 100, (5, tv.leaf_num))
heatmap_track.heatmap(matrix_data, cmap="viridis")
heatmap_track.yticks([0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5], list("EDCBA"), vmax=5, tick_length=0)
fig = circos.plotfig()
2-4. With Complex Heatmap¶
In [15]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(10, 80),
tv.track.axis(fc="lightgrey", ec="lightgrey", alpha=0.2)
# Create example dataframe for heatmap plot
heatmap_df = pd.DataFrame(
A=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
B=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
C=np.random.randint(0, 2, tv.leaf_num),
D=np.random.randint(0, 2, tv.leaf_num).astype(bool),
# Plot heatmap with various style
sector = circos.sectors[0]
sector.rect(r_lim=(80, 100), ec="grey", lw=1)
heatmap_track1 = sector.add_track((95, 100))
heatmap_track1.heatmap(heatmap_df["A"].to_numpy(), cmap="Reds", vmin=0, vmax=100, show_value=True, text_kws=dict(size=5, orientation="vertical"))
circos.text("A", r=heatmap_track1.r_center, size=8, color="red")
heatmap_track2 = sector.add_track((90, 95))
heatmap_track2.heatmap(heatmap_df["B"].to_numpy(), cmap="Blues", vmin=0, vmax=100)
circos.text("B", r=heatmap_track2.r_center, size=8, color="blue")
heatmap_track3 = sector.add_track((85, 90))
lime_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("limecmap", ["white", "lime"])
heatmap_track3.heatmap(heatmap_df["C"].to_numpy(), cmap=lime_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1, show_value=True, text_kws=dict(size=5), rect_kws=dict(ec="lightgrey", lw=0.5))
circos.text("C", r=heatmap_track3.r_center, size=8, color="lime")
heatmap_track4 = sector.add_track((80, 85))
orange_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("orangecmap", ["white", "orange"])
heatmap_track4.heatmap(heatmap_df["D"].to_numpy(), cmap=orange_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1, rect_kws=dict(ec="lightgrey", lw=0.5))
circos.text("D", r=heatmap_track4.r_center, size=8, color="orange")
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from pycirclize.utils import load_example_tree_file
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
tree_file = load_example_tree_file("large_example.nwk")
circos, tv = Circos.initialize_from_tree(
r_lim=(10, 80),
tv.track.axis(fc="lightgrey", ec="lightgrey", alpha=0.2)
# Create example dataframe for heatmap plot
heatmap_df = pd.DataFrame(
A=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
B=np.random.randint(0, 100, tv.leaf_num),
C=np.random.randint(0, 2, tv.leaf_num),
D=np.random.randint(0, 2, tv.leaf_num).astype(bool),
# Plot heatmap with various style
sector = circos.sectors[0]
sector.rect(r_lim=(80, 100), ec="grey", lw=1)
heatmap_track1 = sector.add_track((95, 100))
heatmap_track1.heatmap(heatmap_df["A"].to_numpy(), cmap="Reds", vmin=0, vmax=100, show_value=True, text_kws=dict(size=5, orientation="vertical"))
circos.text("A", r=heatmap_track1.r_center, size=8, color="red")
heatmap_track2 = sector.add_track((90, 95))
heatmap_track2.heatmap(heatmap_df["B"].to_numpy(), cmap="Blues", vmin=0, vmax=100)
circos.text("B", r=heatmap_track2.r_center, size=8, color="blue")
heatmap_track3 = sector.add_track((85, 90))
lime_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("limecmap", ["white", "lime"])
heatmap_track3.heatmap(heatmap_df["C"].to_numpy(), cmap=lime_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1, show_value=True, text_kws=dict(size=5), rect_kws=dict(ec="lightgrey", lw=0.5))
circos.text("C", r=heatmap_track3.r_center, size=8, color="lime")
heatmap_track4 = sector.add_track((80, 85))
orange_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("orangecmap", ["white", "orange"])
heatmap_track4.heatmap(heatmap_df["D"].to_numpy(), cmap=orange_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1, rect_kws=dict(ec="lightgrey", lw=0.5))
circos.text("D", r=heatmap_track4.r_center, size=8, color="orange")
fig = circos.plotfig()
A B C D Tachyglossus_aculeatus 44 21 0 False Ornithorhynchus_anatinus 47 25 1 True Monodelphis_domestica 64 80 1 True Gracilinanus_agilis 67 60 1 True Dromiciops_gliroides 67 61 1 False ... .. .. .. ... Halichoerus_grypus 75 72 1 True Neomonachus_schauinslandi 56 61 1 True Leptonychotes_weddellii 16 13 0 True Mirounga_leonina 24 5 1 True Mirounga_angustirostris 29 0 0 False [190 rows x 4 columns]
3. Multiple Trees¶
3-1. Default Style¶
In [16]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from Bio.Phylo.BaseTree import Tree
import random
# Create 3 randomized trees
tree_size_list = [60, 40, 50]
trees = [Tree.randomized(size, branch_stdev=0.5) for size in tree_size_list]
# Initialize circos sector with 3 randomized tree size
sectors = {name: tree.count_terminals() for name, tree in zip(list("ABC"), trees)}
circos = Circos(sectors, space=5)
for sector, tree in zip(circos.sectors, trees):
sector.text(f"{} ({sector.size})", r=120, size=12)
track = sector.add_track((30, 100))
track.tree(tree, leaf_label_size=8)
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from Bio.Phylo.BaseTree import Tree
import random
# Create 3 randomized trees
tree_size_list = [60, 40, 50]
trees = [Tree.randomized(size, branch_stdev=0.5) for size in tree_size_list]
# Initialize circos sector with 3 randomized tree size
sectors = {name: tree.count_terminals() for name, tree in zip(list("ABC"), trees)}
circos = Circos(sectors, space=5)
for sector, tree in zip(circos.sectors, trees):
sector.text(f"{} ({sector.size})", r=120, size=12)
track = sector.add_track((30, 100))
track.tree(tree, leaf_label_size=8)
fig = circos.plotfig()
3-2. With Heatmap + Bar¶
In [17]:
from pycirclize import Circos
from Bio.Phylo.BaseTree import Tree
import random
import numpy as np
# Create 3 randomized trees
tree_size_list = [60, 40, 50]
trees = [Tree.randomized(size, branch_stdev=0.5) for size in tree_size_list]
# Initialize circos sector with 3 randomized tree size
sectors = {name: tree.count_terminals() for name, tree in zip(list("ABC"), trees)}
circos = Circos(sectors, space=5)
colors = ["tomato", "skyblue", "limegreen"]
cmaps = ["bwr", "viridis", "Spectral"]
for sector, tree, color, cmap in zip(circos.sectors, trees, colors, cmaps):
sector.text(f"{} ({sector.size})", size=12)
# Plot randomized tree
tree_track = sector.add_track((30, 70))
tree_track.axis(fc=color, alpha=0.2)
tree_track.tree(tree, leaf_label_size=0)
# Plot randomized heatmap
heatmap_track = sector.add_track((70, 85))
matrix_data = np.random.randint(0, 100, (5, int(sector.size)))
heatmap_track.heatmap(matrix_data, cmap=cmap)
# Plot randomized bar
bar_track = sector.add_track((85, 100))
x = np.arange(0, int(sector.size)) + 0.5
height = np.random.randint(1, 10, int(sector.size)), height, fc=color, ec="grey", lw=0.5, hatch="//")
fig = circos.plotfig()
from pycirclize import Circos
from Bio.Phylo.BaseTree import Tree
import random
import numpy as np
# Create 3 randomized trees
tree_size_list = [60, 40, 50]
trees = [Tree.randomized(size, branch_stdev=0.5) for size in tree_size_list]
# Initialize circos sector with 3 randomized tree size
sectors = {name: tree.count_terminals() for name, tree in zip(list("ABC"), trees)}
circos = Circos(sectors, space=5)
colors = ["tomato", "skyblue", "limegreen"]
cmaps = ["bwr", "viridis", "Spectral"]
for sector, tree, color, cmap in zip(circos.sectors, trees, colors, cmaps):
sector.text(f"{} ({sector.size})", size=12)
# Plot randomized tree
tree_track = sector.add_track((30, 70))
tree_track.axis(fc=color, alpha=0.2)
tree_track.tree(tree, leaf_label_size=0)
# Plot randomized heatmap
heatmap_track = sector.add_track((70, 85))
matrix_data = np.random.randint(0, 100, (5, int(sector.size)))
heatmap_track.heatmap(matrix_data, cmap=cmap)
# Plot randomized bar
bar_track = sector.add_track((85, 100))
x = np.arange(0, int(sector.size)) + 0.5
height = np.random.randint(1, 10, int(sector.size)), height, fc=color, ec="grey", lw=0.5, hatch="//")
fig = circos.plotfig()